I get requests for roundups often, but every once in a while, I get a very specific request. Today, I’ve pulled together the result of hours of online scouring over the course of multiple weeks to share one — flush…
So many of you are on the constant quest for good deals, budget friendly finds and ways to achieve similar looks for less. I’m totally on that team, too! I receive a good many requests for other options on specific…
I am all for layering in budget-friendly decor with some of my higher priced furnishings and some of the most frequent requests I receive are for lower priced alternatives to some of the pieces featured in my rooms. And, maybe…
Lighting isn’t cheap — but, it’s super important both in terms of function and aesthetic. It can make or break a room and when you think about how many fixtures you have throughout your entire house, it really adds up.…
We have a lot of windows in our home. A LOT. We also have tall ceilings. To outfit each window in appropriate-length dressings could be an expensive investment but when we first moved in, I was desperate to hang curtains without breaking…