The Announcement…

Friends, I’ve been keeping a secret. I’ve hinted around a little bit on Instagram and to answer some of the messages from those of you who have guessed- no, I am not pregnant and we aren’t selling our house. It is life changing though… so here it is. The first time I have actually written it out… I quit my job. No, not this one, the other one haha. I hope the news isn’t anticlimactic but here’s what it means for me, for you, and for

(Currently, my office is a disaster with lots of boxes being shipped out. Here was official business part 1- sending my computer and printer off to my replacement) 


First, I’ll back up. If you’ve been with me for a while, you may know that in tandem with all that happens on (and social media like Instagram where I first connected with many of you), I have basically been living a double life. I’ve been with the same company (totally unrelated to anything we talk about over here) for the last seven years. And, it has been amazing. Until recently, I thought it was something I would likely do for the rest of my life.


A little over two years ago, in the process of occasionally sharing our new build on Instagram, strangers started following my account and engaging- at the time, it was almost weird. Flattering but I didn’t totally understand. As more people joined, it fueled me to do more – I realized I loved having a growing audience to share with, talk with, and connect with. I was taking photos on my phone, using my favorite filters, and never imagined the shift my life was getting ready to take. I had friends who thought it was narcissistic and others who didn’t understand but were supportive. I had met others who had blogs and thought “what a nice extension of Instagram… it is kind of hard to share all I want in a little square”. In an effort to expand my creativity, I decided to blow the proverbial dust off my own little online space (basically an online journal for immediate family (i.e. my husband and mom)) – in which I had written and deleted posts a handful of times – and start posting broader topics.

It was a site, I had no idea how/if people would find me except through Instagram announcements, and the name? “Snack Around the Plate with Kelley Nan”. Ok, I’m guessing you may be scratching your head on that one. When I was growing up, on the weekends for lunch, my mom would prepare a plate with a little bit of everything – whatever we had on hand in the fridge and pantry.  Think of an appetizer board – pretzels, string cheese, pickles. But, she called it a “snack around the plate”. And, I loved them. So, when I started the site, that’s exactly what I thought it would be- a little of this and a little of that. That part, I did get right 😉

Ok, back on track. So at this point, I had increasing visibility on social media, an unknown, tiny “blog” and zero clue that it could one day become a full time career. Today, things are a bit different. It is more than humbling that I have been given this opportunity to have a voice and platform to create and to share. To have a passion that somewhere along the way, became a dream. To have amazing readers and friends because truly, without each of you, this would never have been a possibility.

I have always been practical. Maybe even to a fault. I always thought dreams were irresponsible or for the super lucky – whichever it was, they weren’t for me. I remember being 18 years old, declaring my college major- business. I honestly had no idea what I wanted to do but I reasoned that business was practical. Safe. That’s what I would do. I stayed the course and graduated in four years exactly as I had set out to do on day one. I’m not super adventurous but I’ve never been bored or unhappy. Security means a lot and I’ve always opted for dependable over exciting. That is exactly why my heart is bursting. For maybe the first time in my life, I am choosing risk. I am choosing to likely be uncomfortable at times. I am choosing to depend on myself. YOU have allowed me to reach the point of a crossroad. For almost a year, I have been working what had become two full time jobs, managing the site and all that went into it on nights and weekends. I was pulling all-nighters at least one time per week. I said “no” a lot- to trips, dinners, visits… my sweet, supportive husband took over most of the household chores, dinner prep, etc. I knew I couldn’t keep it up forever but there was and is so much more I want from this place WE have built. It was a near impossible task and without a husband like mine, it wouldn’t have been possible. A few months ago, I realized I was either going to have to give everything I had or stop it all together. I could see the potential but trying to grow to an unknown level with an outside full-time job until I “got it there” wasn’t going to happen. I was spread too thin… I was maxed out. So, Dave and I set some lofty goals and decided that I would resign from my regular day job. As of today, I am officially done… retired from my former professional life.

There is no guarantee and ever since we made the decision, most of the time I still think we are nuts. Despite walking away from security, I have never been more excited. A huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders and I can’t believe how incredibly lucky I am to take a chance on my passion. Seriously, I cannot thank you all enough for allowing me to be a part of  your life – you have changed mine and completely turned it upside down in the very best way.


I am working to get my act together and establish some sort of semblance of a schedule. Starting “soon”, you can expect more frequent sharing and more varied posts throughout the week. While I can’t always respond to every message, email, and comment, I am hoping that I will be able to connect with you all more – that is my absolute favorite part! Like I said, it is those comments, emails, messages and encouragement that led me to where I am now. <3 Since I started the blog, I have always felt the need to be more “buttoned up”. With a professional life and a blog life, everything had to be compartmentalized. Without a simultaneous professional persona, I’m so excited to be more casual and to share more real life.

So, I need your help. As I’m navigating through this transition, I would love to have your input on what you want more of. I would SO appreciate you taking the time to answer a few questions and provide feedback HEREAll answers and comments are anonymous and I am grateful to all of you who participate!


To my husband who never batted an eye about stepping up and letting me play hooky from my real life responsibilities, didn’t complain about wearing Christmas boxers in the middle of summer, has whipped up more blts than I can count and has been the best blog assistant. His patience and support goes far beyond sandwiches and kitchen duty and I don’t know anyone else who would have extended as much grace as he has. To Mama Nan for being my co-planner, brainstormer, and calm during my moments of hysteria. When I told her my hopes for taking full time and she didn’t say I was crazy, well, that was when I decided I had to go for it. Everything she taught me is the foundation for all I do and all you see here on the blog. To my supportive friends who encouraged me, even if they didn’t understand. To my “tribe” for taking this journey with me, being my sounding board and believing in me. In this big world, we found each other and connected in such an incredibly special way. To my mentor, Kris of DrivenByDecor for inspiring and guiding me, and for unselfishly sharing all she knows. To Tana of YourMarketingBFF – not just for designing but for opening my eyes to a business. To Tamara of CitrineLiving for creating the KELLEYNAN brand icon (and not laughing when I shared my first pass at a logo I had described as “whimsical”). To my former bosses who encouraged me to go after what I love. And most importantly, thank you to my readers- without your encouragement and interest, I could not have made the leap; without your support, wouldn’t even exist.

Obviously, my “thank-yous” are verging on Academy Award acceptance status; I just don’t know how/if there is a proper way to let you all know just how grateful I am. I have a long way to go, and it’s gonna be terrifying. But I’m ready- let’s do this.



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  1. 7.8.17

    Kelly, I am so excited for you! I haven’t been following long, but was so glad to have found your blog through Kris. I adore your style, and your precious sense of humor that comes through in your writing. I wish you the best as you embark on this journey of full time blogging. God bless!

    • 7.8.17

      Lauren, THANK YOU! I am so excited, so nervous, and everything in between. That means so much to me. Wishing you a wonderful Saturday!

  2. 7.8.17
    Erin said:

    Kelley! I just couldn’t be more excited for you! And proud. ? I have no doubt you will be amazing and I can’t wait to see where you take this blog.. it’s already incredible. YOU are incredible! You go girl. ❤️? (Love, your #1 fan)

    • 7.8.17

      Erin, I can’t get over it. Watching you and your authenticity and willingness to share has helped make me find what path I want the blog to take. THANK YOU! For everything- especially for being my friend. Love you bunches xoxo

  3. 7.8.17
    Jamie said:

    Kelley, I cannot believe what I just read, but I know you will do phenomenal on the next chapter. You’re a natural at what you do. Cannot wait to see how Kelley Nan becomes bigger. XOXO

    • 7.8.17

      Jamie, I cannot thank you enough for your continued support. I appreciate you more than you know. Can’t wait to
      celebrate you SOON!

  4. 7.8.17
    Angela Wilson-Vanmeter said:

    Best of luck to you Kelley! It’s inspiring to see people follow their dreams and not stay in a safe place because it offers security-yet can stifle one’s dreams. I’ve been following you for over a year and love your style and Kris’s from Driven by Decor! Thank you for all of your great style ideas.

    • 7.16.17

      Angela, thank you so much! I guess they say good things don’t come easy 😉 And I ADORE Kris, too!! xoxo

  5. 7.8.17
    Jill Stanski said:

    Continued success Kelly

  6. 7.8.17

    Awe, Kelley! I am so excited for you and for us! Your blog has been such an inspiration due to your commitment to excellence. There really is no limit! Wishing you more success and more rest and relaxation! Happy Weekend! Toodles, Kathryn @TheDedicatedHouse

    • 7.8.17

      Kathryn, THANK YOU! Wow- thank you for saying that. I’m so looking forward to putting everything into it moving forward. Have a fantastic weekend <3

  7. 7.8.17

    Kelley, I am so excited for you! You are a true talent and I am looking forward to seeing all that you have to share on your blog! I understand how you feel in so many ways because I was a business major because it was “safe” and I have always taken the safe path in life. I am so inspired by you and wish you the best of luck on this new adventure!

    • 7.8.17

      Shelley, it sounds like we were cut from the same cloth. I know you can understand why this is such a change- not just a career change but a risk. Thank you so much; I hope your Saturday is wonderful!

  8. 7.8.17
    Shauna said:

    So PROUD of you Kel!!! As Dr.Seuss book says, “Oh the places you’ll go!” They’re gonna be big and exciting!! You are one true talent and I love reading your blog AND being your friend❤️ Go celebrate now! Love ya!!

    • 7.8.17

      Shauna, I love you to pieces! You inspire me and I am so thankful for you. I can’t wait to see all to come from your new adventure xoxo

  9. 7.8.17
    Maria Herring said:


    Congrats to you and your husband for having the guts and drive to make your dreams come true. I wake up every Saturday and have my quiet time, coffee in hand, with what my husband calls my “decor-time”. You can hear me oohing and ahhing all through the house. Just keep the ideas coming! Tablescapes, holiday decor, amazing room decor and the most important part.. the LINKS to all the furniture and decor so that we all might share in the beauty. Thanks Kelly! XOXO from another #1 Fan

    • 7.8.17

      Maria, than you thank you thank you! If my husband was up when I am on Saturday mornings, he would probably call it my decor time also haha! I will absolutely do my best to keep it coming. Thank you again for taking the time to visit with me- sending lots of love from GA

  10. 7.8.17
    Chris said:

    Kelley!! How exciting! I know what you mean about safe. Your talent and sweet self will shine in this new chapter. Congrats and best of luck! Can’t wait to see what you bring in the coming months!!!!!

    • 7.8.17

      Chris, thank you! We are pumped but with amazing encouragement like that, I am even more excited to go down this road. Xoxo

  11. 7.8.17
    Crystal said:

    Ever since I found you on Instagram, I have thought of you of the South’s Martha Stewart. I see big things for you! So exited ❤️❤️

    • 7.8.17

      Crystal, that is the ultimate compliment- THANK YOU! It all came from my mama 😉

  12. 7.8.17
    Marilyn said:

    So over the moon excited for you! Life is short and you need to get all the gusto out of it you can, and fulfill your dreams. Driven by Decor was my first inspiration, and now I’ll have YOU full time to fulfill my decor dreams!!!!!

    • 7.8.17

      Marilyn, thank you for the encouragement! We are so thrilled for this new chapter. Kris is an absolute gem and has become one of my very best friends- I’m so lucky to have a mentor in her <3

  13. 7.8.17
    Debbie said:

    Congratulations Kelley! I’ve been following you for a while. I love your blog it’s one of my favorites. ?????

    • 7.8.17

      Debbie, thank you so much! I so appreciate you making a place you visit. I hope you have a fabulous weekend!

  14. 7.8.17
    NlCKl said:

    Congrats Kelly! I am so excited for you!!! That is a serious “plunge” and I give you such props for doing it! I’m sure everything is going to work out wonderfully! Ps- Your tablescape are always my favorite so I would love to see more of them!! Xoxo

    • 7.8.17

      Nicki, thank you! It is scary but doing what I love every day is an incredible thing. I absolutely will! My mom just gave me an idea this morning that will be a table series soon! Xoxo

  15. 7.8.17
    Lisa Anderson said:

    So happy for you…May this new adventure take you to your dreams!

  16. 7.8.17
    Heldy said:

    Oh my Kelley!!!! CONGRATS! You so deserve this! Love your site and your style. I think you are amazing and dedinitely #goals for my humble microscopic blog. ❤️

    • 7.8.17

      Heldy, thank you!! I’m still wondering if this was a smart decision or absolutely ridiculous haha. Things can happen quickly and you can make it whatever you want it to be xoxo

  17. 7.8.17

    So happy for you, Kelley! You’re just a doll, and your site is one of my very favorites. Congratulations on taking a big leap and following your dreams. You will do amazing things!❤️

    • 7.8.17

      Tiffany, thank you so much for saying that. I sure hope so . Wishing you a wonderful Saturday and happy weekend!

  18. 7.8.17
    Jennifer said:

    I just quit my work at home job a few weeks ago! I had to go through the entire process of shipping my computers back too. I’m not focusing on my blog/IG, but on my side design business I’ve had for several years. Yesterday, I spent the entire day shopping for a client. I was shopping as part of my job lol. Yay to us!

    • 7.8.17

      Jennifer, congratulations!!! That is fantastic- and what a way to “work”! I can’t wait to shop during the day for shoots and makeovers- I’m sure it will take getting used to. So happy for you and yes! “Yay us” xoxo 😉

  19. 7.8.17
    Elizabeth said:

    Your thank you speech gave me all the feels!!! So happy and excited for you, it’s gonna be awesome!!!

    • 7.8.17

      Elizabeth, you are too kind to say that. I almost nixed it because I’m like “this isn’t an award show and may come across over the top”. I left it because I don’t know how to adequately thank everyone (like YOU) who have enabled me to make this decisions. My heart is just so grateful. Thank you, thank you!! Xoxo

  20. 7.8.17
    Carol /Heartfelt Whimsies said:

    This blogging world was MADE for you!! If you ever question your decision, repeat to yourself—I am inspiring, people love my designs, my ideas are amazing–and keep going!!
    So proud of you and HAPPY for you! Can’t wait for all you are going to do!

    • 7.8.17

      Carol, you are such a gem and your uplifting comments always bring a smile to my face and make me feel like I’m heading in the right direction. You are amazing. Xo

  21. 7.8.17
    Gretchen Thomas (Nan) said:

    I am so excited…I am so happy for you…I am so incredibly proud of you! For sure, this will be a new chapter in your life. I have no doubt you will continue to succeed, create and provide “nectar” for us all. I live vicariously through you, my “daughter in the water!”

    • 7.8.17

      Nan, I love you! YOU are my life inspiration and that idea this morning? Golden. Thank you for being the best, always

  22. 7.8.17
    Tamara said:

    So very proud of you Kel…I remember those long convos and long nights together when we first both ‘discovered’ this world together. Love you tons (maybe more than you know!) and wishing you nothing but all of the success you can possibly imagine, WAY beyond your wildest dreams xoxo

    • 7.8.17

      Tam, I adore you. I can’t believe everything that had to happen for us to find each other! You inspire me and make me want to do and be better- I cannot wait to reunite in 2 months!!

  23. 7.8.17
    lauren said:

    congratulations! what an exciting change. best of luck to you!

    • 7.8.17

      Lauren, thank you! A change for sure but we can’t wait to travel down this road. Wishing you a great Saturday!

  24. 7.8.17

    Congratulations to you Kelley!!! This is wonderful news! Such a leap of faith is so inspiring. I’ve made a similar decision, though I haven’t actually taken the leap yet, lol! Given the greatness that you’ve been able to display here with this as a side gig, I am super excited to see all that you’re able to do with it full-time. I am looking forward to seeing more of your incredible creativity and attention to detail. All the best, and much success to you :-)xo

    • 7.8.17

      Ingrid, THANK YOU! If you decide to, you have to let me know! Congratulations on this exciting transition/crossroads. And, thank you for visiting with me, always xoxo

  25. 7.8.17
    Valerie said:

    So excited for you Kelly and even more excited for us (your dedicated blog followers) to see more amazing posts! Best of luck to you!

    • 7.8.17

      Valerie, you are awesome! Thank YOU for following along- truly. Have a fabulous weekend xoxo

  26. 7.8.17
    Karen said:

    Wonderful news and congratulations! I enjoy your blog, and know this next step will bring you continued success and happiness.

    • 7.8.17

      Thank you so much, Karen! We are pumped. Taking a little more time this weekend to ourselves and hitting the ground running on Monday 😉 xo

  27. 7.8.17
    Elizabeth Wilson said:

    So excited for you and your new adventure! You are so talented….. you will do awesome! Congrats! XOXO

    • 7.12.17

      Liz, thank you so much! I am so excited and ready for this new chapter. THANK YOU for taking the time to stop by! xoxo

  28. 7.8.17

    So excited for you! You’re already such an inspiration and I’m constantly amazed, but can’t wait to see what your future has in store! xoxo

    Luv, Bec

    • 7.12.17

      Bec, you adorable thang you, thank you so much!! You are awesome xoxo

  29. 7.8.17
    Jennifer said:

    So happy for you Kel!!! I just know you’re going to kill it!

    • 7.12.17

      Jen, thank you! I am still dying for you to get home! haha

  30. 7.8.17
    Donna V said:

    Dear Kelley
    100% support you in taking this leap of faith. I’m like you and have always played it safe, and yes I’m boring because of that. Have loved following you on instagram and often envey watching your transparency. I alway appreciate seeing your ideas and decor. Reading this announcement answered the question I always had as to how does she get all this done in a day. Kudos to you for balancing so much on your plate, and I look forward to see what you can do now that you can do it full time.
    You are vey blessed to have such a strong support system…
    Wishing you a successful adventure with

    • 7.16.17

      Donna, thank you so much for your encouragement. I still believe that “safe” can translate to “happy” because security is worth a lot. It wasn’t until I discovered my true desire to do what I love as outweighing that security that I decided to take a chance. And, one week in, there still isn’t enough time in the day to get everything done but a huge weight has been lifted. I so appreciate you visiting with me and taking the time to share. Sending lots of hugs to you! xoxo

  31. 7.8.17
    Bree said:

    Kelley, I am beyond happy and proud for you!! I always knew you could do this and I have no doubt you will succeed and far surpass your dreams for the blog and more!!! I’m so happy to call you my friend and am thankful for the inspiration you share with us all! Wishing you a huge congratulations and now please go celebrate and relax…you deserve it more than anyone I know:) Xoxo

  32. 7.8.17

    I totally teared up reading this – I can’t begin to tell you how over-the-top excited I am for you. You have worked so, so hard and and are so incredibly deserving of all of the amazing things coming your way. I’m thrilled to have played even the smallest of roles in helping you in your journey and value our friendship more than you know!

  33. 7.8.17

    Cheers on all your success and to your next chapter! It’s hard to balance it all but this is a great opportunity! I did the same 6 years ago starting my own event planning business with a website & a separate blog, which are now on one site. Amazing how things have changed! Xoxo, Sarah

  34. 7.8.17

    Kelley you are going to do even more cool stuff and I can’t wait to watch you grow your blog in epic proportions. You have so much talent, and sharing it with the world is your true calling.

  35. 7.8.17
    Dee said:

    Shoot for the moon! You have always shined. Congrats lady. I would say good luck, but with your talents you dont’t need luck. I was wondering when you were gonna take this step! So exciting! Love you always!

  36. 7.8.17
    Jen said:

    I am so excited for you Kelley! I have always been in awe that you have been able to not only have two jobs, but to really blow us all away with your amazing posts! You are such a talented woman! I can’t wait to see what you have in store for us.

    ? Jen

  37. 7.8.17
    Haneen said:

    Kelley, I’m so beyond proud of you! You are seriously the best of the best. I’ve always admired your savviness in this business! So smart and so talented! My heart swelled when you thanked your tribe! So happy to call you my friend. I love us! Lol! Can’t wait to see you soon!

  38. 7.8.17
    Lori said:

    Congratulations! I found your blog last year and have been obsessed since! Looking forward to seeing more posts! Wishing you all the best!!

  39. 7.9.17
    Jill said:

    Congrats!!! Can’t wait to see where you take us all next!

  40. 7.9.17
    Catherine said:

    Yay!! So happy and excited for you 🙂

    If you have been at your job for the past seven years it sounds like you had a seven year itch and now you are starting a new adventure!! I know things will go well. What a great husband for doing everything he has been doing. I wish you luck, happiness and success!!

  41. 7.9.17
    Lacey said:

    I became my own boss 7yrs ago and never looked back. You couldn’t pay me enough to work for “corporate America” now if only I could get my husband to do the same. You will love it! It’s a lot of work and time but the reward is all yours! Congrats.

    • 7.16.17

      Lacey, thank you so much! It already feels like a totally different world. And, I’m loving it. xoxo

  42. 7.9.17

    Kelley! I just have one question. How can you improve greatness? I’ve always been in awe of your blogging talents and great style! I can’t wait to see how you take it to the next level, and if anyone can do it, it would be you!!
    Xo, Kathy

  43. 7.9.17
    Lynda said:

    Congratulations! Very excited for you and this new chapter of your life. 🙂

  44. 7.9.17

    You are so ready! And I’m so ecstatically happy for you. You had a goal, strategy in place and worked your bum off… YOU did this! Cheers to you friend and MANY, MANY successes and opportunities coming your way. I’m glad I got the priviledge to ride this journey with you. And of course, I’m so proud of you!!!!! Eeek

  45. 7.9.17
    Dee said:

    This is exciting news! I absolutely love your home. It is so serene and beautiful. May I ask a question totally unrelated? I have pinned your front door over and over. Would you share who makes it and what finish it is in? I’m in the market for a new front door and it is exactly what I am looking for.

  46. 7.9.17
    Joss said:

    I applaud you Kelley! To step out of our comfort zone is one of the hardest things for people to do. We are grateful that you are here with us, sharing yourself and your ideas with us. I know your hard work will reward you. It sounds like you have a great support system with Dave and your Mom. See….you are already starting off blessed! You can do this! With all the inspiration you have given to others, I hope your followers are now giving you the inspiration you need!!

  47. 7.9.17
    Diane said:

    I’ve only recently started following you but still just as happy for your decision as if I’ve know you for years. Congrats and all the best wishes for you and your family and friends on this journey with you!

    • 7.16.17

      Diane, thank you! It was one that I didn’t take lightly and I am so excited. Thank you so much for your support. Have a wonderful Sunday! xoxo

  48. 7.10.17
    Jo Reynolds said:

    The biggest of congratulations to you Kelley! I’ve been following your blog and instagram all the way from Australia. You’re an inspiration and I’m sure good things will follow. As for blog content, I think the mix you’ve been doing is perfect!

    • 7.16.17

      Jo, I SO want to make it over there one day! Thank you for your encouragement- sending lots of hugs from the U.S.! xoxo

  49. 7.10.17
    Teri said:

    I discovered your blog during Christmas time when i was trying to figure out some more upscale/modern decorating ideas and I was searching on Pinterest. My mouth about fell open with the absolutely stunning vignettes you created all over your home. I could not get enough and actually started reading your blog backwards –looking through your archived posts. I couldn’t get enough. That lead to reading some of your blog tours and finding some of your talented friends as well.

    All that said–this us so natural for you. Your posts are so well laid out, you have an awesome personality to match and I really enjoy reading your posts after a long day. Your decision to do this full time is amazing and I genuinely wish you the best. I can’t wait to see what you come up with!

  50. 7.10.17

    Kelley! I’m so excited for this new phase in your life & can’t wait to see where you take this. I’ve been following your beautiful blog for awhile now & am so proud of you!
    Much love & best wishes on your new adventure Chick!

    • 7.16.17

      Jennifer, I wish I could hug you! I am so excited. Thank you SO very much! xoxo

  51. 7.10.17

    Been there with you since Day 1 girlfriend! Can’t wait to see where this journey takes you!! xoxo Whitney

    • 7.16.17

      Whit, you are the BEST! Can’t wait to catch up and hear about EVERYTHING. Love you, dearly. xoxo

  52. 7.10.17
    Gina said:

    Congratulations on your new step in life! You’ll do great! You inspired me to change a few rooms which led to other rooms being changed and the outcome has been amazing! Keep up the good work, I know you’ll do well!!!

  53. 7.10.17
    Laura said:

    Congratulations! I love your web site! I can’t wait to see more content! I hope to get many decor ideas from you!

  54. 7.10.17
    Jessica said:

    Way to go Kelly! 🙂 Congrats on new beginnings ❤️

  55. 7.11.17

    Kelley, besides the obvious – CONGRATULATIONS! I cannot believe you’ve been doing all this all this time while also holding down a full-time job! Wow, lady, you are amazing!

    I’m so impressed by all that you’ve done Kelley, and I consider you a true talent. There are so many blogs out there (as you and I both know!) and yours truly stands out!

    Wishing you ALL the best! I know you’ll be even more amazing (and more relaxed!) than you already have:)


  56. 7.11.17

    Congratulations, Kelley! How incredibly exciting! You are brilliantly talented and I can’t *wait* to see what’s to come!!! Cheers to you for taking the leap 😉

    • 7.16.17

      Thank you so so much! Seems surreal but I already feel a huge weight lifted from my shoulders. Phew!

  57. 7.11.17
    Lisa said:

    Kelley congratulations on this news!! You are so wonderful at this whole wacky world of blogging and I’m so excited for you and your blog!!

    • 7.16.17

      Lisa, thank you so much! I have been at it for a week and still can’t find all the time in the day but a huge weight has been lifted. Feels crazy!

  58. 7.12.17

    Congratulations!! Yes, blogging and keeping a full time ‘day’ job is very hard. I did it for several years and eventually had to cut way down on the blog. But I’m getting ready to make changes myself, so I’ll be following you for inspiration.

    Knowing only success for you in this new adventure!!


    • 7.16.17

      Val, you totally get it! Best of luck as you evaluate and make your own changes. I’ll be sending positive thoughts your way!

  59. 7.13.17
    Ann said:

    I’m so happy for you Kelley! It is indeed a scary thing but you are so ready…and you’ve got this! The one thing a successful blogger must have is a following and you had that before you even published your first post. Wishing you all good things and the best of luck! ~Ann

  60. 7.14.17
    Adrienne said:

    I’ve followed your blog for about a year, but this compelled me to write. As an entrepreneur myself, this is the road less traveled (more often these days) than the corporate every two paycheck route. At times, you will find yourself questioning, doubting, reasoning and wondering. Although the road may seem unpaved and winding, it is the still the road which your heart follows. Your heart is your TRUE NORTH. You will be great! Best wishes!

    • 7.16.17

      Adrienne, thank you so much for taking the time to leave me such encouraging words. A regular paycheck is all I’ve ever known – I am one week in and still nervous but it feels right. Thank you again- sending lots of hugs to you this morning!

  61. 7.23.17
    Jenny said:

    I’ve been reading your blog for ages and I couldn’t believe you managed to run it and have a full-time job too! Congratulations on deciding to take this full-time – I’m sure you’ve made the right decision! x

    Jenny | LuxeStyle